Deadbeat series

Deadbeat is like one of the circles of hell from the Divine Comedy. Even when you pass in front of it, it’s a visual anomaly. Dark, gritty, neon, a molecule infected by death metal, niche drinks, and camaraderie. Your goth cousin that wears a white t-shirt once in a while. I’ve known Sham, the owner, for a few years; I understand him and his background too. A disruptive mind trapped in a lovely smile and caring soul. Non-conventional, creative, an interesting human. Always seeking adventures on the dark side of the moon, and I don’t blame him. If I were half as creative as he is, I’d be the same. His influences come from Nordic bars and brutalism, fashion, and good times. And that’s what Deadbeat is—a place where destruction becomes creative fuel. There is no line to follow; there are paths, like octopus tentacles, constantly moving, taking shapes and colours, hugging, cheering, and high-fiving. Good times, good friends, good music, good food. When working on the art direction for Deadbeat, we wanted to showcase a completely personal approach, like a friend with a Polaroid taking candid scenes on a Friday night. The intro of “How I Met Your Mother” but with Slayer playing out loud. Hard flash and film, close-ups, and abstract scenes where human error is the currency for beauty and art.

  • Art Direction & Photography — Deadbeat Dive Bar (2023)